Dear parents,
I would like to inform all of you, that on Monday, May 4th (May 3rd in the US) the "Newton Charity Fund" successfully donated 5000 USD (roughly 30,000 RMB) to American Red Cross Nepal Earthquake Relief Efforts in coordination with parents from the Charity committee Ms. Cathy Lau and Ms. Morgane Blasselle. Having visited Nepal & Kathmandu the past years I fully support the charity cause, seeing how the country is in no way equipped to handle this kind of disaster... and thereby feel, the fund can respond to an urgent and needed matter.
Letter from American Red Cross:

Donation: $5,000.00
Designation: Nepal Earthquake Relief
Donation Subtotal: $5,000.00
Transaction Total: $5,000.00
Donation Date: May 03, 2015
Transaction ID: ON1149343652
2025 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Dear Newton International Kindergarten, Thank you. The American Red Cross is very grateful for your generous gift of $5,000.00 on May 03, 2015 to Nepal Earthquake Relief . The humanitarian efforts of the Red Cross provide comfort and hope to so many during their times of need. Thank you for your commitment to this critically important work. Our mission depends on the support and compassion of donors like you.
On behalf of those we serve, thank you for standing with us.

Gail McGovern
President and CEO, American Red Cross |
On behalf of the Newton Charity Fund and its committee I would like to thank the parents of Newton Hui Xin Campus for their generous donations on February 6th Charity Drive. Together, you have given and continue to give us the ability to "Help Where Help Is Needed Most".
Anders Sjoegaard Christensen
Hui Xin Campus Principal
May 6th, 2015
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