From November 26th to 30th principal and school leader Mr. Kim Funk Johannessen from our friendship school & kindergarten in Oelsted, Denmark visited Newton Kindergartens as part of a cultural exchange that was initiated in January, 2014 when teachers from Newton went abroad to celebrate Chinese New Year teaching Danish students at Oelsted skole about Chinese New Year & Culture. In exchange the chinese teachers got a first-hand experience of pedagogy and teaching practices in a north european institution.
In the future, it is our wish to send more teachers to Denmark for training and cultural exchange as well as possibly providing families of Newton students with an opportunity to travel abroad and have a real and fun cultural experience.
While Mr. Kim Funk Johannessen was in Suzhou, he visited Hui Xin campus, Zhangjiagang campus & Bayside Garden campus. He was warmly welcomed by management from all campuses along with top management of the Newton Educational Group. Mr. Kim also took part in a few arts activities together with students of Hui Xin campus in order to exchang art-work and postcards with students in Oelsted skole, Denmark.
On the last day, Newton Kindergarten founder and owner Ms. Zhang Yan signed a cultural exchange agreement with Mr. Kim to further our cooperatio and exchanges.
Thank you Kim! for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit us! Looking forward to many more future exchanges.

Mr. Kim Funk Johannessen together with Bayside management Ms. Susie & Mr. Milos.

Kim gives a presentation about "Oelsted" and philosophies of early childhood education.

Hui Xin campus chinese level leaders, foreign staff and management at the meeting.

Mr. Kim joins an arts activity in Nursery, 207 together with Ms. Pauline and her students.

Ms. Morgan & Ms. Jessie from Zhangjiagang campus pose with Mr. Kim.

Luna from K2, 107 made a chinese vase for her friends abroad.

Ms. Zhang Yan & Mr. Kim Johannessen sign the "cultural exchange agreement".

Mr. Kim gives a goodbye and thank you speech at the company dinner.

Newton teachers Ms. Suki, Ms. Blaire & Ms. Reece who visited "Oelsted" school in January.
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