Dear parents,
I would like to welcome all of you to Newton Kindergarten at Hui Xin St. Teachers and staff have worked hard to offer you and your children the best kindergarten option in Suzhou and today was a very rewarding experience, to see children happy, excited and even proud to enter their brand new and bigger campus on their 1st day back J.
Management wise, the entrance procedures went smoothly this morning with only slight delays to the bus routes on their 1st rounds. For parents doing drop-offs at school, morning parking was convenient, however we still ask for parent’s cooperation as it will undoubtedly take a few more days before all routines are fully settled.
From today you can find me in the 105 Management Office on the 1st floor, right next to accounting in room 106 where I will be able to answer questions you might have, as always you can also contact me directly on 13771904459.
Important Reminders.
- A kind reminder to parents, Newton’s temporary parking spots directly outside the school is for short-term parking (5-8 minutes max). Parking within the campus gates is for Newton buses only.
- Newton uniforms are mandatory dress-code Monday – Friday and will be enforced, new students who have not yet been issued uniforms, will receive the apparel during this 1st week.
School Information
- This Wednesday, October 15th we will take new class-photos, please ensure your child will be wearing the mandatory school uniform.
- The Newton train will run around campus on Mondays and Fridays from 12:00-12:30 after lunch-time.
- Enrichment lessons will resume from next week and swimming courses will be offered from November in our indoor heated pool.
- Emergency evacuation procedures and evacuation routes has been settled over the weekend with trial-tests by teachers Saturday, Oct. 11th. Mid-Next Week, Wednesday we will have emergency evacuation drills with students and teachers, parents please take a moment to prepare your children as our teachers will as well.
- End of this week, updated time-tables will be sent home, with new slots for Library, EPP and outside play, as well as minor changes to the afternoon assembly time.
- School entrance ID card system will be updated beginning of this week. For now everyone needs to show their blue Bayside ID card to enter the campus or be cleared by the Newton doorman, before entering.
Anders S C
Newton Kindergarten
Updated with class-photos

208 Nursery class with class-teacher Ms. Angela and Mr. Nick.

104 N class with class-teacher Tutu.

207 PN class with teachers Pauline, Katie & Tracy.

202 PN class with teachers Coco & Jenny.

105 PN with Ms. Joanna & Kacie.

109 N with Ms. Fay and Katie.

206 PN with Mandy & Kacie.

K1 307with Ms. Cherry and her students of two years.

K1 308 with Ms. Shirkey and her students.
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