On May 10th, Hui Xin campus Pre-nursery & Nursery classes went on their spring fieldtrip to the Cowboy Farm at lake Taihu. Eventhough the season is famous for being rather unpredictable we were blessed with a day of immense sunshine.
At 8:20 families from 14 participating classes set off to their destination. At the Cowboy Farm children got to feed horses, cows and camels while trying to ride the Cowboy way, on horseback, around the farm area. Besides the lifestock, there were plenty of playgrounds and play areas, including covered tandem bicycles, boats, moats, gokarts, zip-lines, sandboxes and water-play. It was a day packed full of fun and boy did the children (and parents) enjoy a good power nap in the afternoon back to campus.
We thank all our wonderful families for joining the event and creating yet another key event in our children's happy scrapbook of childhood memories.
PN & N teachers and campus management
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