At Newton we believe in surrounding children's with real objects, made out of identifiable materials such as wooden panels in the class-room and pottery/chinaware for meal times. On our play-grounds you will find real grass, trees and wooden play equipment along with sand, soil and water activity areas.
Students and teachers help take care of our environment and the plants both inside and outside our class-rooms, by watering them and giving sunshine. In spring time K1 & K2 levels sow and take care of cucumber, tomato, carrot and potato plants. Further, each class-room have a dedicated recycling area where children know how to sort waste into recyclables and trash. As an educational principle we teach composting and use it's nutrient rich soil for our garden beds in spring-time.
Each campus recycle paper, plastic and metal packaging for either re-use in children's arts or learning centers or by proper distribution to the Suzhou SIP waste management center.