"The Magical Island of Newton featuring Maui & Moana" is a Hui Xin campus original show combining the essence of what our school is and how we wish to include learning and imagination into every single day of your children's lives. We celebrate exploring colors, playing as a team and acknowledge that what we learn shapes who we are while never forgetting the important responsibility, to do good to others.
We learn these values through the story of a demigod named Maui (played by Mr. Paul, the essential driving force, responsible for bringing this character from his Samoan heritage to life). In the story, Maui is the creator of our Island, but even though he is a demi-god, he still have things to learn. (music and characters from Disney's amazing cartoon Moana).
Teachers from PN, N, K1 & K2 sat down at the beginning of December, 2016 and defined Newton's key-values, explore, play, learn & grow. It was a team-building event with a greater aim. To carry over this personal interpretation into the summer concert where each level would pick colours, make slogans, paint banners and build their team on their united value; teachers and students together!
Now the time is here! and as always, children and teachers have worked hard to give you the best show possible.
Needless to say big roaring applauses are welcomed and encouraged. I am incredible proud to invite you and your loved ones to this year's Summer Concert & Graduation Ceremony on Thursday June 22nd for our domestic classes and on Friday June 23rd for our foreign classes.
Let's make it a party!
Anders S Christensen
Previous: [Kitchen} Menu: May 31st to June 30th
Next: Summer Concert & Graduation Ceremony