Huixin Kindergarten, SIP, Suzhou.
 [Curriculum] New Swimming Program
2017-08-18 Views: 385

 Dear parents,


On behalf of your swim coaches and swim team led by Ms. Sara Carcary we are excited to welcome you back from what we hope has been a fun filled holiday, preferably with a lot of swimming, water and beach play.

Last year we decided to update the swimming curriculum. With the help of foreign teacher Ms. Sara Carcary we are proud to introduce the new swim program starting this semester. Ms. Sara Carcary, besides being a wonderful and skilled English foreign teacher is also an avid swimmer and licensed swim-coach. Ms. Sara has more than 3 years of experience teaching children and teenagers the fun and healthy safety skill that is swimming.

The new curriculum is built up on core functions that is necessary when learning how to swim:  Getting used to water – Dive – Float – Glide.


The children will be taught through exercise games that build the foundation of becoming confident in water, Divided into N-Fish, K1-Turtle and K2-Penguin. Nursery children will use games such as Getting used to water; by using hands to gently splash their face and "wash" face, ears and hair while in the pool. Diving; by learning to breathe in and blow air out through the nose to make bubbles of water before moving on to more challenging activities.


K1 will learn to float by playing games such as "Floating Ball", where children breathe in deep, conserve air and keep buoyancy in water and "Arrow", by bending legs while pointing arms upwards, use leg-muscles to shoot out of the water and many more.


K2 will learn gliding by enjoying games as "Superman", where children stand by the pool edge, make a fist and dive under, before using legs to push against the wall of the pool and shoot forward.


The new program is aimed to make learning to swim more fun!


Kind regards

Jessie, Sara, Coaches
Swimming team and teachers


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