Dear parents, I want to thank you for joining this month's many Christmas functions. The class-rooms have been glowing with warmth from the many hand-made decorations in the windows and on the trees. Pre-nursery & Nursery classes finished their Christmas functions last week, which included visiting Santa in the B-level, going to the theater for a short video, reading/singing "Frosty The Snowman", making art-work, dancing around the Christmas tree and sharing presents. I hope for those of you who joined, you found time to connect with your children as well as your teachers during this most amazing time of year. For the K1 & K2 levels, we have currently hosted 2 out of 4 events. I sincerely thank parents for taking such an active part in our event, dancing, singing and having a good time as well as bringing traditional home-cooked/baked foods to share with friends at the party. The K1 & K2 children's performances are a cooperative effort between the level leaders and teachers. K2's Enchanted Christmas features puppet show videos by Ms. Celia and K1's Christmas Show is a wonderful singing and dancing compilation. This coming Thursday and Friday, we have the last Christmas functions of the year and I look forward to an amazing show. I want to remind all parents that both teachers Christmas wishes, singing, class-photo videos as well as K1 & K2 Christmas performances will be available to be put on your USB from this Friday, December 15th, in time for you to share with your families both within and abroad for the holidays.
On December 5th CISK (Canadian International School Kunshan) and December 12th OCAS (Overseas Chinese Academy Suzhou) presented their unique elementary school programs to parents of the graduating K2 level. For most parents of the K2 level, now is the right time to learn about your child's school options in Suzhou, which include SSIS (Suzhou Singapore International School), Dulwich and SFLS SIP (Suzhou Foreign Language School SIP). Should you wish to know more about these choices, please feel free to contact either Ms. Cindy from Hui Xin admissions or find me in the office, room 105 for a small chat.
Last week we sent surveys to random parents of the Nursery, K1 & K2 classes on campus to learn more about how you and your children experience our swimming program and to evaluate the new swimming curriculum. From the so far returned 32 surveys we were able to learn that, according to parents, approx. 28% find the offer of swim lessons at Hui Xin a deciding factor when enrolling their child. Children have improved swimming skills (32), enjoy swimming (32), most know (17) that our curriculum was changed over the summer and out of those (15) say that their children find the swimming lesson more fun and enjoyable this year. From the survey we are able to identify areas of improvement, such as making sure that children can recognize the swim coaches by name (16) and that teachers communicate which skill group students belong to, either A or B to parents. If you have not received a random survey, but have feedback in relation to the swimming program, please know that program supervisor Ms. Jessie is in charge of the swimming program and can be reached on 65075122 ext. 8103.
- December 23rd - 30th: International Foreign program will close for the Christmas holiday (no school).
- December 30th - January 1st: The whole school will close for the New Year holiday.
- January 19th: Charity Drive at campus (no regular school service on the day)
- February 1st: 1st Day of the 2nd semester (regular school service)
- February 9th: Parents & Grandparents are invited in to join the "Dumpling-A-Thon" at campus. (Non-mandatory participation). It's also a Spirit Day where students can choose to wear uniform or seasonal red/golden clothes to school.
- February 10th-25th (from/to & including): The whole school will close for the Spring Festival holiday.
I would like to inform everyone that I will be having 2 weeks leave to go home for the holidays in Denmark with my family, starting from December 16th to January 1st. As a foreigner living abroad it can sometimes be a challenge, especially due to the distance and difference in time-zones to keep as much contact as we should or wish with our families back home throughout the year. Luckily, Christmas is the time where friends and family have time off work and gather together for the celebrations and we have a chance to catch up before the beginning of the new year. For everyone who is going home for Christmas, I wish you safe travels and a joyous time with your family. To those who travel and visit exciting new places, I wish you make wonderful memories and to those who stay, I hope you might get a little snow in Suzhou while enjoying quality family time. During my leave you can contact both vice-principals; Ms. Tina on, Ms. Jessie on or call the school 62550855 ext. 8103. For emergencies or urgent queries please see Ms. Cindy in my office, room # 105 (ext. 105) and she will contact me directly.
I look forward to welcoming all of you back in the new year, January 2nd and wish all of you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS
Anders S Christensen, principal
and the Hui Xin team!
Previous: [School] Campus Christmas Tree
Next: [Friends] CISK Presentation for K2 parents