Huixin Kindergarten, SIP, Suzhou.
 [Bureau] Campus Inspection
2017-12-13 Views: 301

On Wednesday, December 13th the Educational Bureau of SIP visited Hui Xin campus as part of their school & kindergarten tour in Suzhou, SIP and indeed all of Jiangsu province and gave guidance on safety areas of utmost importance.


The activities at campus, function areas and timetables including outside play time along with safety features such as entrance policies, ID cards, pick-up times, incident procedures, video check protocols, monitoring systems, emergency broadcast system, satisfaction and feedback survey's as well as admissions procedures were all appreciated, while our cooperation and inclusion of 3rd party companis, such as "Olivia's Place" in Shanghai to help children with special emotional needs was very encouraged and our many way's to communicate with parents by hand-book, class-room phone, school phone, meetings face-to-face, teacher/parent meetings 2 times a year, meet & greets, survey's, principal/vice-principal involvement, class-rooms weekly reports with personal comments, nurse's notification policy in case of students absence and illness were highly noted. We were recommended to give kitchen ayi's a handbook of kitchen-room management & hygiene, to be aware of ayi's who are nearing their retirement age and to post more details of staff on our website.


We sincerely thank the representatives from the educational bureau for visiting us, giving us appraise and letting us know how we can continue to improve our services and standards. As part of the inspection 2 random parents were selected to join our visitors for their tour around campus and we wish to thank them as well, for taking time out of their busy schedule to support the bureau's new inspection initiatives.



Hui Xin Campus


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