Huixin Kindergarten, SIP, Suzhou.
 [School] Spring Photo Competition
2018-04-04 Views: 202

On Wednesday the 4th of April, last day before the Qingming holiday the winner of the Spring Season Photo Competition at Newton, Hui Xin campus was selected.


Parents had sent in photos of flowers, plants and trees around our beautiful grounds over the past week in a chance to win 3 English children's books. This morning, K1 teacher and amateur photographer Mr. Milos Albreht looked at all the submitted photos and selected the winner, Mr. Li Feng Xu from N-304 who had captured a gorgeous photo on the North side of campus, featuring the beautiful pink peach blossoms in the foreground with the green's and campus train-station in the background.

We received a lot of beautiful photos of our campus flowers in the competition and wish to thank all parents for participating.

Have a wonderful and memorable holiday


Hui Xin Newton Kindergarten


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