Huixin Kindergarten, SIP, Suzhou.
 [Safety] Evacuation Drill
2018-07-04 Views: 219

On July 4th, Hui Xin campus staff and students did a school-wide evacuation and emergency response drill. Parents had been notified the week before of the date of the drill, but the time was unannounced to staff and students for authenticity. Hui Xin campus cares greatly about safety and preparedness with both in-class and facilities inspections, training and campus wide drills throughout the school year.

Though safety is the first priority and walking in a properly responsible fashion as not to cause distress is key in a succesful drill, we do wish to maintain a swift full evacuation of the entire campus at any given time. At this rehearsal, we were able to evacuate every class in under 3 1/2 minutes, which is really outstanding!

In classes, teachers had spend the days before to prepare students in proper techniques when dealing with possible fire hazards or earthquake and students remembered what they had been taught when put to the test. Great job!



Ms. Marie Qian and campus management
Hui Xin campus


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