On Monday, October 29th specialists from LL Dental visited our campus and taught not only our students about good oral hygiene, but our parents and teachers as well.
Head dentist Ms. Casey Wang made it clear to us that good oral hygiene comes from observing good habits, such as rinsing our mouth with water after eating, brushing teeth 2-3 minutes 2 or 3 times a day, eating plenty of coarse grain, multigrain and hard fruits. We learned that cutting fruits into bite sizes, while practical, is not conducive to the development of good strong teeth. It is also important to stay aware of bad habits that might negatively impact jaw, chin and teeth development, such as excessively breathing through our mouths when we sleep or if our children bite their thumb too much.
Contrary to some people's belief, it is indeed very important to take good care of a child's first teeth and not to let them decay even though they will be replaced later. There is a natural order to things and we are born with a finite number of teeth and when our child loses a baby tooth too early due to decay or injury it will cause other teeth to move closer and by the time the permanent tooth is ready to erupt, there will be no space and teeth will be misaligned. Likewise, if our children eat too soft foods the baby tooth will loosen too late and will cause growth deformity of permanent teeth.
Decayed baby teeth can affect the dental nerves, ability to eat, asymmetric facial development and deformation of permanent teeth.
It is recommended to have a dental check done 2 times a year, but during the replacement period of age 6-12 things are changing fast and it is better to check 3-4 times per year. Please change toothbrush every 2-3 month and choose a child's toothpaste with fluoride, while controlling the dosage according to age 0-3 years a little smear of toothpaste is enough, 3-6 years a pea size of toothpaste is appropriate and after 6 years of age a regular almond size dosage is appropriate.
In the class-room Ms. Kelli Ulmer and LL Dental assistants showed children the proper circle method of how to brush upper & lower teeth, while not forgetting the gums and tongue as well. In class, students had to finish a handwork with good and bad foods.
From next week Newton teachers will be receiving toothbrushes and cups as well and it is expected that they lead by example and brush their teeth together with children every day as well :) We assume and hope that is what parents and grandparents do at home as well.
Wishing you a wonderful day and thank you very much LL Dental for training us!
Ms. Anna Hu
Hui Xin Campus Nurse
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