Huixin Kindergarten, SIP, Suzhou.
 [School] December letter from principal
2018-12-12 Views: 206

Dear parents,

The Christmas season is a very special time of year for me, because it reminds me of the warmth I experienced as a child surrounded by family & friends. In December there is a certain kind of magic and shared anticipation in the air that brings out the better nature within us. We unite and celebrate the most important values of love, kindness and giving. I am touched by your participation during the past two weeks and sincerely thank all teachers, students, parents & grandparents for bringing out the true Christmas Spirit. I also wish to thank K1 & K2 children for putting on four amazing shows at campus. K1's Charlie Brown Express and K2's Polar Express were both amazing! Thank you very much!


On January 18th we celebrate the Chinese New Year with our Charity Drive. We are taking recommendations of charitable causes, so if you know of any in need please send an email, give a call or talk with your teacher or campus management in person. On January 11th at 14:30, Mr. Jason from the Suzhou Wildlife Preservation will be giving a presentation about the animals in nature which surrounds us, but we don't always see and how we can work together to help preserve it for the future.


Please remember last month's notice regarding how we celebrate Birthdays (on the first Wednesday of each month; no outside food and gifts). We will have our first Birthday event on January 2nd. For parents who are interested in supporting the English program, English curriculum theme overviews can be found on our website under educational news.



- December 22nd - 30th: International Foreign program will close for the Christmas holiday (no school).
- December 31st - January 1st: The whole school will close for the New Year holiday.
- January 11th: Suzhou Wildlife Preservation presentation for parents in theater at 14:30 (non mandatory)
- January 18th: Charity Drive at campus (no regular school service on the day)
- February 1st: 1st day of the 2nd semester (regular school service)
- February 1st: Parents & Grandparents are invited in to join the "Dumpling-A-Thon" at campus. (Non-mandatory participation). It's also a Spirit Day where students can choose to wear uniform or seasonal red/golden clothes to school.
- February 2nd - 17th (from/to & including): The whole school will close for the Spring Festival holiday.

During the next two weeks from December 15th to January 2nd I will be going back home to spend the holidays with my family in Denmark. For everyone who is going home for Christmas, I wish you safe travels and a joyous time with your family. To those who travel and visit exciting new places, I wish you make wonderful memories and to those who stay, I hope you get a little snow while enjoying quality family time. During my leave you can contact both vice-principals; Ms. Tina on, Ms. Jessie on or call the school 62550855 ext. 8103. For emergencies or urgent queries please see Ms. Cindy in my office, room # 105 (ext. 105) and she will contact me directly.

I look forward to welcoming all of you back in the new year. First day of school is on January 2nd, 2019.


Anders S Christensen, principal & the Magical Hui Xin team!


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Next: [School] Dec. 6th & 7th X-mas Parties