Huixin Kindergarten, SIP, Suzhou.
 [Theme #7] Let's Explore
2019-02-25 Views: 217

Dear parents,

Below you can read more about the upcoming Theme #7 Let's Explore, which starts on March 4th and finish on April 5th. In the attached PDF files you can get a more in-depth overview of the English lessons and support your child's learning and your teachers work by including it, whenever appropriate, at home as well.


PDF -> Theme #7: Let's Explore for Pre-Nursery


PDF -> Theme #7: Let's Explore for Nursery


PDF -> Theme #7: Let's Explore for Kindergarten 1


PDF -> Theme #7: Let's Explore for Kindergarten 2



Previous: [Group] Annual Dinner
Next: [Theme #8] Make It, Build It