Huixin Kindergarten, SIP, Suzhou.
 K2 First Week Back! Happy Friday! [English]
2020-05-22 Views: 220
Dear parents,

It has been a fantastic week for us at Newton. Finally, our work and daily life is full of energy, smiles, laughter and optimism again. As to why we are kindergarten teachers we need to look for no other reason than the inspiration we experience from children every day and now after experiencing the worst of social distancing and closures in China, that rings true more than ever before!

While we were worried that children might exhibit some fear or insecurities when returning after such an extended period of staying inside at home, we quickly learned that children's enthusiasm and longing to see their friends at school far outweighed any fear and was equal to that of our teachers. It wasn't hard to adjust back into school life and social interactions, if anything it was something greatly missed, highly needed and deeply appreciated... for us all, students, teachers and staff alike.

Even though we still had to follow rules of social distancing and hygiene, it didn't come at the expense of feeling together, learning and playing together again.

(* Photos can be enlarged on the right) This week K2 learned about virus and hygiene awareness, routines at school and in class. They played fun games, listened to music, did exercise and played outside. On Wednesday we celebrated K2 students birthdays from January to May that we had missed. We also took graduation photos and celebrated the winner of the Earth Day Challenge, Roy from K2-404 who received his prize a book called "The Giving Tree", a plant and got to plant a new maple tree at campus that he named "Helly" before rounding off the week with health checks conducted by campus nurse Nikita Li and eye specialists from Suzhou Li Xiang Eye Hospital who brought professional equipment and experts to campus.

You are receiving the health check reports in the children's school bags today and please do not hesitate to write nurse Nikita Li on if you have questions or talk directly with your teachers in the afternoon at the gate or via. the messaging APP.

We sincerely thank our families and students! We missed you so much!

Newton, Hui Xin management and K2 teachers


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