Dear K2 parents, due to rules of assembly, health and hygiene many events has been changed *. However, we have adjusted our services to give your children a happy return to school, focusing on their social/emotional development, preparing for grade 1 (interviews and new life style), catching up on missed learning and giving them an amazing end to their stay at Newton!
- July 17th: The school year will officially end on July 17th (not July 10th as in the old calendar)
- May 18th: K2 classes will reopen and teachers will focus on teaching hygiene and virus awareness, while implementing standards and caring for children's emotional understanding and perseverance through the Covid-19 and period of closure.
- May 20th: K2 Birthday Parties in the class-rooms, celebrating all students who had birthday from January to May.
- May 21st: K2 Graduation Photos at campus (please let your child wear black shoes with white socks).
- May 22nd: K2 Health Check at campus (height, weight, hearing and sight). Eye specialists from Suzhou Lixiang Eye Hospital will be in charge of eye examinations (If you do not wish your child to join, please let your teacher know in advance).
- June 1st: Children's Day in classes, it's a new spirit day in combination with the missed "Festival of Colors" event. Children are invited to wear fun, colorful or traditional clothes from their own countries/regions (it's not Halloween though). In classes teachers will put on silly performances, dances and host a fun day for everyone! (* May 29th event with parents is cancelled)
- June 8-19th: K2 levels will focus on students preparedness for Grade 1 and the process that many of our students will go through, such as school interviews and change of life-style as they meet new friends, settle in new surroundings and even begin to get homework. We will arrange safe and secure mock interviews, where children meet with other children of their class before conducting a 5-10 minute assessment interview with another "familiar yet not too familiar" K2 teacher. Presentation and confidence is the key goal!
- June 24th: Dragon Boat event at school. While we cannot invite parents and grandparents in to help making "Zhong Zi" at campus, children will be learning about the traditional events of the "Dragon Boat Festival" and they will fold and make boats in classes and let them sail in our water experiment area at campus. (It is also a spirit day and children can wear green/golden clothes).
- June 25th-28th: (from/to and including) School will be closed for Dragon Boat Festival (Public Holiday).
- July 7-10th: K2 Graduation Ceremonies and Diploma Ceremonies will take place at campus. Children will prepare end of year friendship songs, recitals about growing up and friendships along with teachers appreciation speech to their students and hand over Diploma ceremony. This will be a heartfelt and ceremonious day for our students and teachers. (Song, recitals, diploma ceremony and speeches will be recorded for parents viewing, Your class' exact date will be posted later) (* June 18th and 19th Summer Concert events with parents are cancelled)
- July 15-16th: K2 Goodbye parties at campus, in classes. Video presentation of baby photos and graduation photos of students in the theater and fun activities in class-rooms, making souvenirs, letters and time capsules to remember their friends, teachers and time in Kindergarten with us at Newton.
- July 17th: Last Day of the semester (If safe and parents wish to arrange class dinners on their own outside of campus on the evening of or in the following weekend 18th and 19th, teachers will be able to join and have a sweet and meaningful goodbye with parents too).
- July 20th - 31st: Summer Camp / Grade 1 preparation (will be voluntary to join, details announced later). In advance, please share your opinion of this option with your teachers.
We are excited to have the opportunity to end the year strong! and for our K2 students to graduate with confidence in the future!
Hui Xin campus management and K2 teachers
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