Newton, Hui Xin students and staff completed the emergency evacuation drill at campus with the assistance of the Suzhou Fire Brigade.
In classes, teachers had prepared students about the drill and taught them the meaning of important safety signs around campus and outside. Students also learned what to do in case of earthquake and fire and what to do if the alarm goes off while at school. Above all, it is important to remain calm, try not to panic, cover yourself and always stay close to your teachers, especially when evacuating the class-room to go to the emergency assembly areas on the south end of the playground.
Besides very useful training in evacuation procedures, a beautiful, red and chrome sparkling clean and polished to a shine red fire engine was waiting for our kids to explore at the school's parking area.
Under the passionate and careful guidance from the assigned firemen of engine #1 from the Suzhou SIP Fire Brigade children were able to recognize a lot of the equipment found onboard which help the firemen stay safe, fight fires and save lives. Equipment such as ladders, hoses, helmets, boots along with sirens, oxygen supply and heavy duty cutting tools and hammers.
Firemen showed how they themselves practice changing clothes and putting on their firefighting equipment very fast when the siren goes.
On behalf of everyone at school, staff and students, we wish to thank the Suzhou Fire Brigade for taking good care of us every day and even taking the time to teach us about their life saving work. It is not every day that we get to meet real superheroes, but today was one of those days!
Thank you for being valiant and brave in face of dangers and risking your life to save others!
You are truly the supermen of our world!
Newton, Hui Xin Kindergarten
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