Newton Educational Group
 As you sow, so shall you reap
2017-05-31 Views: 306

          if you are a proud parent of a child attending Newton Kindergarten Huixin campus, or have had the chance of visiting Huixin campus, you might have noticed that the cucumbers, tomatoes, chills, eggplants, potatoes are beginning to bear fruit. Such is the proud accomplishments of our children’s labour. But it wasn’t the children’s labour alone, they owe it to the sunshine, rainfall and the secret weapon of our agriculture course - composts. We utilized the leftover fruit peels, vegetables, bread, rice, branches from the kitchen, leaves and paper from everyday use, and turned them into compost over a timespan of 6-8 weeks. Under the right conditions (having a certain percentage of moisture and dissolved position), microorganisms turn solid organic waste into fertilizers.

          It is springtime and children place the fertilizers into the plant nursery under the guidance of teachers. They plant the seeds, sprinkle water, and watch the plants grow, taking down observation notes in the process. Underneath the surface, down below, within the nourishing confines and environment of the earth, the roots grow. It is a special moment to behold as children catch their first glimpse of the sprout appearing from the moist soil.

 After a semester of the agriculture course, the children’s curiosity become fulfilled. They have become more knowledgeable, feel accomplished about their fruits of labour, at the same time becoming conscientious about the environment. Their goals have met, and so have ours.


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