Dear parents,
It is now exactly one month to the day since we began our new school year at Hui Xin campus! and as promised, it's been exciting :).
The play-castle is being used every day, the swimming pool is full of happy children, a new CMC piano program for K1 & K2 is being developed and taught in relationship with our new partners from the musical institute and K2 has golf lessons on Mondays, conducted by Mr. Jack from Jinji Lake Golf-club. To incorporate all of these new activities along with enrichment classes the time-tables had to be adjusted, which is why class teachers have informed some of you about the change in swimming times.
About the swimming lessons at Hui Xin I am overwhelmed by the positive response both children and teachers are showing! Every day we have on average 3-4 periods of swimming and I see happy children singing and excitingly going to the pool and coming back invigorated and content! The swimming time has become a major source of inspiration for our children and from observations I fully expect every single Newton student who finishes K2 to be among the best swimmers at their future schools!
Currently class meetings are taking place and we've finished meetings from K2 107, N 302, K1 305 & N 104 classes where teachers have presented the first month of school, children's adjustment & work as well as talked about all the things that is going to happen on campus, in the curriculum and for our big events! Thank you all for continuing to be such a huge support to your teachers and the school.
As many of you are aware first hand, Suzhou schools who provide bus services, recently faced a challenge when buses were suddenly being detained and ordered to change from their regular stops to the public bus-stops. It was such a priority for the Suzhou traffic police that they summoned transportation representatives and principals from Dulwich, SSIS, Eton Kindergarten, Suzhou Foreign Language School and Newton for a meeting last Friday, September 11th at 9:00 in the morning at their offices. All school members in attendance understand that the police must represent the law, in this case traffic law, but argued that exemptions should be made to provide the safest option for little children to commute to/from school. When the meeting finished 3 schools, Dulwich, SSIS & Newton penned a letter, signed and stamped it and presented joint concerns to the head of the traffic administration, wherein we expressed sympathy for common safety concerns, and before "testing the viability" of a new policy, wish to timely settle new stops specifically for school buses in cooperation with the traffic bureau. We are currently waiting for their reply, while our schools continue to follow the established bus-stops.
I sincerely hope that we will be successful in convincing the traffic bureau!
Please find practical information below:
- Hui Xin campus will close for October holiday from/including October 1st to 7th, see you back on the 8th.
- Sports Day's are coming up on October 21st for Pre-nursery, 22nd for Nursery & 23rd for K1 & K2.
- Autumn fieldtrip will be held on October 28th (could be re-arranged if weather forecast predict bad weather).
- Safety & Evacuation drills will be held in October, date and notice will follow.
Anders Sjoegaard Christensen
Hui Xin Campus Principal, September 17th, 2015
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