Dear parents,
Due to the increased traffic on the small "Qi Xin" road outside of campus, we will be enforcing basic traffic regulations from now and take photos of parking violations (soft start from this week).
- drive on the right side of the road.
- park on the right side of the road, in the direction of traffic.
- DO NOT turn your car around when arriving or leaving, follow the direction of traffic for sake of safety and flow of traffic.
- NEVER park your car so that it blocks traffic in either directions.
- DO NOT park on the "pedestrian zebra lines".
- ALWAYS keep an eye on children/families crossing the street.
To help solve the traffic issues, we kindly request parents to arrive earlier 8:00 - 8:40 and try to avoid the busy time at 8:40 - 9:00.
Further, as the parking space is important to everyone, please only park for 5 minutes while you bring your child to/from class. If you want to stay longer in the class and talk with teacher or help your child get settled, do not park outside campus on "Qi Xin" road.

Car parked in front of the gate of the school, preventing buses from going in.

Pedestrians passing the wrongly parked vehicle as the yellow bus is blocked from entering.
Ms. Hazel Zhu
Facilities & Transportation, Newton Kindergarten
Phone Ext. 8103
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