Dear parents, We are happy to welcome your child to the 2015 Summer Camp at Hui Xin Campus.
This year we will have 4 class-rooms open, a pre-nursery, two nursery and a combined K1 & K2 class. Our wonderful teachers Ms. Briana Watson will spend half day in each of the two nursery classes and Ms. Kirsten Vaughn will divide her time between the pre-nursery and K1/K2 class-rooms. Besides the foreign teachers, your children will also be cared for by our great Chinese teachers on a week-to-week schedule. The summer camp focus will be on FUN! and will feature water-play, sand-play, activity stations, life lessons (cooking, baking etc.), recycled arts (focus on materials, their use and how to re-use or transform them), Chinese music & dance, group games & movement, story-exploration with focus on role-play & nature/science activities. (please check your class' time-table in attachment). If you have applied for bus-services for the Summer Camp, please find the attachment from head of transportation Ms. Cindy.
Before attendance start, you are required to visit the campus website where you can find important school policies incl. administering of medicine, nap-time etc. that all families must acknowledge and comply with.
You are kindly advised to bring your child to school by yourself on the first day of summer camp, please arrive early so you can have a talk with teachers, but please do not linger after 9:10. Questions concerning your child and day to day school matters will be answered by your class teachers. For students who take nap, please provide us with their mattress and bedding on the 1st day of camp.
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