Dear parents,
First of all, I would like to remind parents and teachers to let children wear comfortable clothes on hot and sunny days like yesterday and today. Furthermore, even though the next few weeks promise cloudy and rainy weather it is a good time to prepare sun-lotion, sunglasses and caps including spare uniform clothes, shorts and shirts to keep at school, so your teachers can keep your child comfortable on hot days.
Additionally, the weather is changing drastically the next few weeks with high / low temperatures, humid / hot from day to day and we kindly ask parents to keep an extra eye on your children and inform your teachers should your child get sick.
Lastly, in regards to the mandatory health check I will provide you with a chinese copy and a translation of the health check-form from Kowloon hospital. The check-items include A) Height & Weight 2) Eyesight 3) Vision Screen (check for myopia and strabismus) 4) Check hearing, ears, nose and throat 5) Basic dental check 6) Internal medicine (liver, heart, lungs) and 7) Blood test. Classes of 202, 203 & 104 already possess health check records and are not required to attend the Kowloon health check. If you kept your previous "health check" form at home, please send to your teacher so your child do not need to take part in the check-up.
For everyone's information, in the future, all newly registered children will go with me and their parents to Kowloon hospital upon enrolment.
Thank you for your support.
Ms. Anna Hu
Hui Xin Campus Nurse
Phone Ext. 8102 Email:
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