Every year on October 20th we celebrate Newton’s “Unity Day, this year with the theme “Hand in Hand we run for Love” as part of the sports week with a particular focus on friendship! During the week children learned the meaning of friendship and teamwork through fun and unique sports activities.
-Opening Ceremony: My sports day, I can do it!
On the first day of the event every child had a chance to march and shine at the opening ceremony where they had helped prepare decorations and flags in advance.
As the march began team leaders of K1 and K2 held their respective flags and led their classes with enthusiasm and confidence. For most students of PN & N this was their first sports day and they were excited waving colorful flags and smiling to the older students and each other as they walked in unity!
-Unity Ring: Making friendships while showing sportsmanship!
It’s the spirit of this event that drives us and the “Unity Rings” at this years sports day symbolize the colors of our four levels from PN to K2 united in spirit!
At the opening ceremony four K2 children represented each level and ran from four corners of the campus to unite the rings for love at the opening ceremony and show the value of sportsmanship.
-Fun Sports Games: Based on different themed stories
With the common goal of celebrating “unity” elements of teamwork was at the core of each sports activity and depicted in 4 carefully selected storybooks about friendship and caring. Children were part of the stories through role-play and became the heroes of the stories in the many sports games. The exciting games and fun sports activities created many wonderful sports memories!
-PN Sports & Unity Day
After dressing up, the PN children turned into cute rabbits, mice and bears like the story “It's OK to need a friend”. In the sports scenes created around the story, children pulled carrots, picked fruits and honey and learned how we all have different “favorite games” and how much fun it is to play those games together with friends!
-N Sports & Unity Day
Under teacher’s guidance and after learning the story “Giraffe’s problems” nursery children had fun embarking on a journey full of obstacles in order to o help the giraffe overcome it’s problems. While improving their physical skills, children felt the happiness of helping others!
-K1 Sports & Unity Day
Inspired by the story “The Little White Owl”, K1 children followed the brave owls’ travels and went through the forest and played in the snow. Children learned about friendship, teamwork and appreciation while completing challenges together with friends.
-K2 Sports & Unity Day
After reading the story “Gold Acorns” K2 students had fun "looking for acorns", "transporting acorns" and "guarding acorns". Through these fun story based team games, K2 children understood the importance of teamwork and unity.
The fun and meaningful week of unity and sports games has come to a successful end and we have seen all children share their happiness and joy for each other while growing in character and developing physical skills through teamwork and sports games.
While sports day and unity is celebrated this time of year, it remain an essential part of children’s daily life at Newton everyday!