Huixin Kindergarten, SIP, Suzhou.
Are you ready for kindergarten?|Make an informed choice!|Application & Waiting Lists|Visit & Approval|Prepare your child for first day

Saying goodbye to mom and dad and brave into the new world of kindergarten life is a significant change from staying at home, always together. It can be an emotional transition for both children and parents, including grandparents to let go and encourage independence. For some of you, this is your first child's first time to enter Kindergarten and by being first time parents, you will experience doubt and insecurities towards the challenges to come. You will ask yourself questions like, why does my child get sick more times after joining kindergarten? and why does my child prefer to stay at home? Why does my child fight over toys? The answer is, your child is growing and facing both physical and emotional milestones, which might be worrisome in the moment, but actually helps them grow, build resilience and become emotionally aware independent people. All people, as well as children face changes with a degree of doubt and unease, now children have to learn to cope with 2 worlds; a new "social group/behavioral challenge" in kindergarten and an "emotional safe zone" at home. As a parent, you are encouraged to understand that children should exhibit a full range of emotions, happy, sad, proud and angry. Childhood is very much working towards understanding these feelings and it is helpful if we do not keep unrealistic or non beneficial ideals, such as "tears are bad" or "always be happy". 
No child can be fully happy or responsible, unless they are allowed to exhibit and learn to control their full range of emotions. In children's development there is an understanding of "inherent trust" or lack thereof. A child who has grown up in a confident, emotionally balanced and nurturing home, will exhibit  inherent trust in other people by rule of associated comparison, "my father, mother and grandparents trust the world, so will I" sort of thing, this applies to most children. However, a child who experiences sustained insecurities of separation from their family might have a lack of inherent trust and exhibit exaggerated caution and emotional distress regarding kindergarten. In relation it might equally be an emotional time for parents and grandparents, realizing this is the first step in their child's separation from home, which can be overwhelming and brings up the "what if" and "what about the future" doubts.  
We sincerely ask parents to put on their bravest face, prepare for the emotional challenges the first weeks of kindergarten and show confidence; "I can do this, my child can do this". Emotionally; Be confident, strong and understanding! Before you know it, your child does not want to go home from kindergarten in the afternoon and has to be convinced to go. This of course, opens feelings of both joy and at the same time inadequacy in parents/grandparents. But do not worry, children are captured in the moment and in the play. You are advised to simply say with confidence "All children, even parents and teachers need to go home to prepare dinner and rest, in order to have another day of fun tomorrow. After two minutes we say goodbye and see you tomorrow".