Dear parents,
Today we are concluding the 2nd week of kindergarten and the introduction weeks have come to an end. During these past weeks students have become familiar with their classrooms, teachers and friends. They have learned the importance of making friends, sharing toys and working in teams to complete activities and engage in fun active rule based games. Together, every class has made a set of simple and easy to follow classroom rules that they aim to observe throughout the year with emphasize on "Being Good Friends".
At school there are many workers; Teachers, nurses, chefs, cleaners, school bus drivers, managers and supervisors who are friends too and who work together to keep the school running well. The children got to know them better and was encouraged to greet them in the morning or when they go home in the afternoon.
Next week, students will enter the campus without parents. Pre-Nursery & Nursery students will be escorted to their class and K1 & K2 will walk to class independently. The last few days your class teachers have prepared students to say goodbye to parents at the gate, showed them how to line up, keep distance and pass the health check before entering campus.
Next week, we will commence the English theme #1: Friends and School and we look forward to the upcoming parent-teacher meetings. We wish to thank all of you for a fantastic couple of weeks and invite you to take a look in a select classrooms below.
Newton, Hui Xin campus management and teachers
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