Dear parents,
Due to still existing Covid-19 precautions at school we will keep you updated regularly of format changes being made to our existing event plans (as found in the school calendar). While we hope to be able to return to "normal" event styles with parent/grandparent participation in the somewhat near future, it will not be possible for the coming months of September and October at the very least.
- 7th - 25th of September: Parent-teacher meetings takes place after school hours and with individually assigned periods in class-rooms with air purification and will proceed as scheduled. However, all visitors that enter campus must keep face masks on at all times (especially while speaking). * If you do not wish to join at campus, teachers will be happy to give you a call instead.
- 13th, 14th & 15th of October: Sports Days at campus will be held internally, in smaller group arrangements and with no parent participation. It's a shame that parents will not be able to join, but due to the special circumstances we do not think it is safe to host a group sporting event or that it would be comfortable for visitors to wear masks for an extended period of time while doing sports outside.
- 22nd of October: Autumn field trips are cancelled K1 & K2's yearly field trip is so far postponed to Spring, 2021. Pre-nursery & Nursery classes plan to use the Autumn field trip fees to arrange a fun fair at campus with jumping castle, soft-ice, magician show throughout the week of October 26th-30th.
Concerning events in November, December & January we will make the final decision at a later time. However, in all honesty and with full disclosure, it does not look likely that neither Christmas events or New Year Charity Drive will happen with parent participation this school year.
We kindly ask for your support, understanding and trust with focus on our students well being and building important, unforgettable and magical moments at school with their friends and teachers.
Newton, Hui Xin campus management and teachers
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