6月27日星期五,Miss Morgan带领管晟淏和朴智炫两位大班的小朋友参加了苏州新纽顿玲珑湾幼儿园外籍部的大班毕业典礼。他们和外籍部大班的孩子一起演唱了歌曲“I believe I can fly”;表演了打击乐“小步舞曲”,孩子们的精彩表演让现场的家长们激动万分!
表演结束后,新纽顿的董事向大班的孩子们颁发了毕业证书,这是一件多么激动人心的事啊! 祝贺你们——管晟淏和朴智炫!
Friday, June 27th, Jack, Joe and Miss Morgan participated in the Suzhou Newton Graduation ceremony. It was held at the SIP theatre. First, the K2 students sang “I believe I can fly,” then they did a beautiful musical performance where Joe played the triangle, and Jack played the castanet.
After the performances, all of the K2 children accepted their diplomas. It was a wonderful event, and Jack and Joe really enjoyed working together with the Suzhou Newton children. Congratulations to Jack and Joe!
歌曲表演“I believe I can fly"