Dear Parents,
Welcome to the year of the Monkey! On behalf of all staff and management at Hui Xin campus I would like to welcome our families back from their holidays. Further, I would like to invite a few parents to tell us about their holidays; eg. how you celebrated the Chinese Spring Festival, with a traditional family celebration? or an exotic holiday abroad? I would be thrilled to receive a short letter with a few accompanying photos to put on our website or to include in our future newsletters, bridging together home and school.
At the end of last semester we gradually extended upon our "learning center" activities and began to allocate more time for both Chinese and English teachers to take part in the learning centers, which have been divided into four skill areas incl. literacy (drama), science, art & block play which incorporated muscle dexterity: The aim is to re-enforce personal skill development in smaller groups and let children make more choices. Throughout the year, teachers might ask parents to help contribute items for the learning centers, such as recyclables and clothing items for the drama corner and we appreciate your support. Further, from this month, Chinese teachers will be in charge of the weekly PE classes in the gym as the English teachers devote greater time and focus to the literacy and theme learning centers.
As something new and beneficial for the future, I would like to inform you that we have begun working together with a local company to test advanced air cleaners that not only filter out PM2.5 particles, but also lets in fresh air, cleans it and cleanses the circulated air for bad odors while giving us precise readings of the actual air quality inside. This system is being developed with a smart phone application, that according to the developer, will also be able to provide parents with up to the minute information regarding the air quality in their child's class-room. As a test, the first such system has been installed in the K1-308 class-room and we will keep parents updated of the progress.
Finally, from March 14th our two week "Festival of Colors" theme will commence. Many parents have already begun contacting their teachers to organize participation, which is great! Remember that all events are co-hosted with one of your teachers and they therefore require early notice to arrange well.
I wish you all a fantastic month and a wonderful upcoming Festival of Colors!
Anders Sjoegaard Christensen
Hui Xin Campus Principal, February 29th, 2016
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